The Vein Clinic

The Vein Clinic Ireland owned by The New You Clinic offers clients a safe, effective and minimally invasive surgical procedure for the removal of Thread Veins from the legs.


Microsclerotherapy is the Gold Standard Procedure for removing Thread Veins from the legs and is the ONLY treatment to be used for Thread Veins of the legs. Claudia McGloin has trained with Mr Mark Whiteley, Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Leading Expert in Varicose Veins at The Whiteley Clinic in Guildford, Surrey. Claudia is a Member of the College of Phlebology and the British Association of Sclerotherapists.

Claudia McGloin ensures the use of Best Practice for the treatment of Thread Veins for the legs and promotes this in both The New You Clinic and The Vein Clinic Ireland.

What are Thread Veins?

Thread Veins of the LEG otherwise known as Spider Veins, Broken Veins, Surface Veins, Broken Capillaries or Venous Flares are extremely common affecting 1 in 4 women and an unknown number of men. They are found closer to the skin’s surface and have the appearance of small fine flat red veins or thicker purplish veins which are either isolated or in clusters.

Although in the past many people have gone to beauty clinics or cosmetic clinics for the treatment of Thread Veins of the legs, research performed in 2001 has shown that 89% of people with Thread Veins actually have underlying vein problems. These can either be minor or major Varicose Veins and are very often not visible from the surface and cannot be found without the aid of a specialised Duplex Ultrasound Scan of the legs. If you have Thread Veins, you should have a Venous Duplex Ultrasound Scan before having any treatment to make sure that you don’t have LEG PUMP FAILURE underlying the Thread Veins.

On consultation, The Vein Clinic Ireland use a hand held Doppler machine to see if there is any evidence of underlying Varicose Veins. If any evidence is found, then the client will be referred for a Duplex Ultrasound Scan to examine every vein in the leg from the Deep Veins right the way through to the Thread Veins of the skin. This will show the exact cause of the Thread Veins in the leg and will map out the size and distribution of any hidden Varicose Veins.

Following a Duplex Ultrasound Scan the very best treatments, or sequence of treatments, to both get rid of the Thread veins from the legs as well as reducing the risk of other thread veins returning in the future will be suggested.

If the Doppler does not show any signs of underlying Venous Reflux, then we can proceed to treat the Thread Veins by Microsclerotherapy.

What is Microsclerotherapy?

Microsclerotherapy is a technique of injecting Thread Veins with a substance through a very small needle. Using a large magnifying light, a chemical called a “Sclerosant” is injected into the veins. This destroys the vein making the walls of the veins fibrose (”stick”) together. After treatment on the legs, you will need to wear compression stockings for 2 weeks’ day and night.

As Microsclerotherapy closes the veins by inflammation of the wall, most patients get a patch of inflamed skin over the site of the injection which lasts for up to two weeks. This inflammation is actually very good – it is the body’s way of removing the dead vein. The area then settles down but the full benefit can take up to 12 weeks to be seen. After that you will find that the veins often continue to improve for up to a year after the treatment. Depending on the number of Thread Veins on the legs, several sessions may be needed to get the required results, but usually two will be enough.

How effective is Microsclerotherapy?

Compared with other treatments, Microsclerotherapy gives the best results. It is the Gold Standard for treatment of Thread Veins, with 95% of patients seeing an improvement with a good or very good result.

Some clinics use Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) or Electrolysis type treatment of Thread Veins on the legs. Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) are more likely to damage the skin. This does not happen on the face where the skin is more resilient to radiation. As far as the needle-type treatments such as Electrolysis that are used that heat the vein and destroy it, this is very slow and laborious compared to Microsclerotherapy. In addition, one injection of Microsclerotherapy not only takes away a whole patch of Thread Veins but also treats lots of little Thread Veins that are hidden under the skin that may well be feeding into this patch. Using one of the techniques that employ heat being transferred to the vein via a needle, each visible vein has to be treated individually every couple of millimetres along its whole length and any vein that is deep enough to not be visible from the surface cannot be treated.

In a very few cases, Thread Veins of the legs are too small for treatment by Microsclerotherapy. An alternative is to leave the veins for six months in which case they often get large enough to treat with Microsclerotherapy.

The Vein Clinic Ireland do NOT use laser treatments for the removal of Thread Veins from the LEGS.

Are there any side effects to Microsclerotherapy?

As with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved, but complications with Microsclerotherapy are very rare and are generally of a very minor nature.

Some 4-5% of people can get brown marks – usually very mild and usually fading over several weeks or months. Very occasionally the brown stains can be dark. At The New You Clinic we check anyone who has brown stains as many can be improved by releasing any trapped blood in the veins that were treated.

Approximately 1% (1 in 100) people can get a little break down of the skin. This is called a Chemical Ulcer. This can be very tender for a few weeks and then usually heals with a small scar. This scar can be permanent but such a small scar is usually better then the Thread Veins that were there before the treatment. This is rare.

Allergies are often quoted as a problem but they are exceptionally rare.


Facial Thread Veins

THREAD VEINS otherwise known as Spider Veins, Broken Veins, Venous Flares, Broken Capillaries or Surface Veins are extremely common.  On average 40% of women have them on their legs. Men are not immune from Thread Veins and can also suffer from them. Thread Veins are red or purple in colour and are visible on the skins surface. They can appear in clusters or as individual veins and are usually about 1-2mm. They are also Genetic!

Facial Thread Veins are usually found around the nose but can spread up onto the cheeks. They are very different to the Thread Veins that are found on the legs. Effective treatments for Facial Thread Veins is also very different to the treatment used for Leg Thread Veins.

Although they are called Thread Veins they are Dilated Capillary Networks from your Arteries and not your Veins. (Arteries take blood from the heart to the rest of the body and Veins return blood to the heart). The blood inside them is more oxygenated and therefore appear brighter red in colour.

Treatment for Facial Thread Veins

Effective treatment for Facial Thread Veins can usually be achieved by using one of the following treatments:

  • Advanced Electrolysis
  • Intense Pulse Light (IPL)
  • Laser

All of these treatments work by using heat to destroy the Blood Vessel.

Injecting vessels on the face is NOT recommended except in very rare cases.

The New You Clinic has introduced Advanced Cosmetic Procedures/Advanced Electrolysis into the clinic. This is currently the only treatment that is used for the treatment of Facial Thread Veins.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose Veins are dilated veins which you can often see as bulges on the legs however, you can still have Varicose Veins that have no visible signs on the legs. These are called ‘Hidden’ Varicose veins. This occurs when the valves in these veins which stop the blood from flowing back down your legs fail and the blood flows back the wrong way down your leg, which causes the vein to start dilating or bulging. These veins can become unsightly as time goes on.

While some people with Varicose Veins have absolutely no problems at all others have symptoms such as aching legs, bulging veins and swelling. It is important at this point to see a Medical Professional and have investigations such as Doppler, Venous Duplex Ultrasound Scan to determine if you have Varicose or ‘Hidden’ Varicose Veins.

Diagnosing Varicose Veins

A Venous Duplex Ultrasound Scan is the ONLY way to accurately diagnose Varicose Veins as this Non Invasive Scan can tell which vein is incompetent and where it is.

Some clinics, hospitals and GP’s will only offer a Doppler Ultrasound Scan but this is will not be as accurate as the Duplex Scan.

Treatment for Varicose Veins

If Varicose Veins are present, then the Consultant Vascular Surgeon will decide on the appropriate treatment required. Treatments available for Varicose Veins include:

  • Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
  • Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGFS)
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy
  • Transluminal Occlusion of Perforators (TRLOP)
  • Coil Embolisation of Pelvic Veins

Vein Stripping should not be a treatment option for Varicose Veins as it has been researched that Varicose Veins can grow back and cause more Thread Veins on the legs.

Common MYTHS about Varicose Veins

  • Women get Varicose Veins more often than men
  • Pregnancy causes Varicose Veins
  • You should wait until you’ve had your family before getting your Varicose Veins fixed
  • Varicose Veins are only cosmetic and can safely be left alone
  • There’s no point in operating on Varicose Veins as they always come back
  • Standing for long periods of time causes Varicose Veins

(The College of Phlebology)

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